(303) 834-0834
If your asking, "Why train for skiing season?" let me answer that for you with another question!
What does a marathon runner, a road cyclist, high school lacrosse player, collegiate golf player, and a Crossfit athlete all have in common?
They all train for their sport!
There is a misconception that skiing and snowboarding is merely a seasonal hobby.
Although you may not be a competitive skier or snowboarder your risk of injury can be reduced through sport specific training.
Invest in yourself this season and hit those blue bird days like never before!
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm
Beginning Tuesday November 16th
Journey Health & Fitness
17002 E Mainstreet, Parker Co 80134
Registration Cost:
Price for Journey Members is $195 per month x 2 months.
Price for non-members is $250 per month.
(This includes a $55 full access gym membership to Journey for the 2 months)
Registration Instructions:
Click the registration link below
Scroll to the bottom and select the First Tracks Conditioning Camp
Enter email to register
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out at: Phone: (303) 834-0834
First Tracks Conditioning Camp
Michael & Molly together have a combined 20 years of experience teaching sport specific strength and conditioning. They are excited to help prepare you and train through the ski / snowboard season!
Learn more about them here!